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Stock quote

Real-time stock chart
Real-time stock price
    • A319660PSK
    • 190(-1.14%) 16,530
Trading Volume 142,629
Transaction Price 2,350,776,330
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
155 16,570
162 16,560
819 16,550
2,464 16,540
257 16,530
16,520 1
16,510 2
16,500 1
16,490 1
16,450 60
3,857 Total 65
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 16,530 190 16,530 16,520 6,168
15:19:50 16,400 320 16,530 16,520 387
15:19:40 16,500 220 16,500 16,470 4
15:19:20 16,470 250 16,490 16,470 8
15:19:10 16,490 230 16,500 16,470 94
15:19:00 16,470 250 16,500 16,470 15
15:18:50 16,500 220 16,500 16,470 350
15:18:40 16,470 250 16,500 16,470 245
15:18:30 16,500 220 16,500 16,470 37
15:18:20 16,490 230 16,490 16,470 2
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
MRASDW 25,534 Kiwoomcom Securitie 21,899
Shinhan Investment C 25,173 MRASDW 16,933
Korea Investment S 13,671 Morgan Stanley Co 13,944
Samsung Securities C 11,131 Shinhan Investment C 13,508
JPMorgan Securitie 7,152 Merrill Lynch 11,660
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
24/12/20 16,530 190 16,720 16,740 16,290 142,629 2,350,776,330
24/12/19 16,720 1,080 17,450 17,450 16,400 247,934 4,178,155,940
24/12/18 17,800 200 18,090 18,090 17,420 265,242 4,669,795,350
24/12/17 18,000 180 17,960 18,240 17,870 137,709 2,481,861,750
24/12/16 17,820 50 17,850 18,140 17,670 172,166 3,082,760,910
24/12/13 17,770 100 17,670 17,910 17,420 190,318 3,373,545,190
24/12/12 17,670 300 17,610 17,910 17,290 264,900 4,681,137,120
24/12/11 17,370 720 16,490 17,560 16,400 174,767 3,003,062,380
24/12/10 16,650 270 16,380 16,890 16,380 152,122 2,540,781,480
24/12/09 16,380 440 16,800 16,800 16,260 179,387 2,960,977,290