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Stock quote

Real-time stock chart
Real-time stock price
    • A319660PSK
    • 90(0.51%) 17,760
Trading Volume 81,215
Transaction Price 1,433,735,300
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
3 17,810
1 17,800
5 17,790
122 17,780
595 17,770
17,760 440
17,750 135
17,740 694
17,730 744
17,710 383
726 Total 2,396
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
12:14:20 17,760 90 17,760 17,750 294
12:14:10 17,760 90 17,770 17,760 1
12:14:00 17,760 90 17,770 17,760 6
12:13:50 17,770 100 17,770 17,760 4
12:13:10 17,770 100 17,770 17,760 5
12:12:50 17,760 90 17,770 17,760 32
12:12:30 17,760 90 17,760 17,750 4
12:12:20 17,750 80 17,760 17,750 2
12:12:10 17,760 90 17,760 17,750 1
12:12:00 17,750 80 17,760 17,750 1
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
NHIS 16,949 Samsung Securities C 15,341
Citigroup Global Mar 10,782 CGSCIMB 13,335
Korea Investment S 9,831 Shinhan Investment C 10,627
Shinhan Investment C 9,151 Korea Investment S 8,228
Kiwoomcom Securitie 7,911 Kiwoomcom Securitie 6,171
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
24/12/13 17,760 90 17,670 17,830 17,420 81,113 1,431,923,720
24/12/12 17,670 300 17,610 17,910 17,290 264,900 4,681,137,120
24/12/11 17,370 720 16,490 17,560 16,400 174,767 3,003,062,380
24/12/10 16,650 270 16,380 16,890 16,380 152,122 2,540,781,480
24/12/09 16,380 440 16,800 16,800 16,260 179,387 2,960,977,290
24/12/06 16,820 510 17,400 17,400 16,540 171,672 2,881,347,990
24/12/05 17,330 730 16,530 17,530 16,530 223,516 3,848,419,680
24/12/04 16,600 280 16,510 16,940 16,310 102,251 1,701,246,420
24/12/03 16,880 220 16,810 17,030 16,610 102,368 1,731,402,320
24/12/02 16,660 140 17,000 17,010 15,550 174,770 2,896,293,510