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Real-time stock chart
Real-time stock price
    • A319660PSK
    • 650(-2.17%) 29,250
Trading Volume 254,594
Transaction Price 7,496,402,750
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
569 29,600
180 29,550
485 29,500
3 29,450
212 29,350
29,250 1,778
29,200 840
29,150 547
29,100 40
29,050 207
1,449 Total 3,412
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 29,250 650 29,350 29,250 6,418
15:20:00 29,250 650 29,350 29,250 54
15:19:30 29,350 550 29,400 29,350 7
15:19:00 29,500 400 29,500 29,300 3
15:18:30 29,350 550 29,550 29,300 1,183
15:18:00 29,600 300 29,600 29,400 318
15:17:30 29,600 300 29,550 29,350 1,137
15:17:10 29,600 300 29,600 29,450 755
15:16:40 29,600 300 29,500 29,350 593
15:16:10 29,400 500 29,400 29,250 536
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Korea Investment S 50,418 Shinhan Investment C 42,614
Shinhan Investment C 31,192 Korea Investment S 34,806
MRASDW 29,420 Samsung Securities C 22,357
Samsung Securities C 27,596 BNK Financial Group Inc 20,620
BNK Financial Group Inc 21,653 NHIS 17,524
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
24/07/26 29,250 650 30,000 30,250 28,950 254,484 7,493,168,750
24/07/25 29,900 1,650 30,150 30,800 29,650 334,078 10,029,043,100
24/07/24 31,550 1,050 30,200 31,850 30,050 291,711 9,117,383,850
24/07/23 30,500 750 31,500 32,000 29,300 444,152 13,523,147,100
24/07/22 31,250 1,050 31,900 32,100 30,750 294,028 9,155,974,200
24/07/19 32,300 400 32,550 33,150 32,050 233,950 7,609,913,150
24/07/18 32,700 200 31,350 32,750 31,300 508,931 16,421,110,250
24/07/17 32,900 3,300 36,300 36,350 32,850 733,802 24,661,308,000
24/07/16 36,200 500 35,650 36,350 35,400 159,312 5,721,749,850
24/07/15 35,700 50 36,000 36,100 34,850 239,328 8,461,819,750