We strive to become a leading company in ESG Management
that creates a sustainable future.

Dear Stakeholders,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our shareholders, customers, partners and employees
for your unwavering interest and support for the PSK Group over the past 30 years.

Given the numerous challenges the business environment faces such as inflation, climate change, pollution, and infectious diseases, PSK Group strives to building a "sustainable future" for business continuity.
In order to stay ahead of the curve, PSK Group holds sustainability as the highest management value
and intends to apply it to each organization of the company.

PSK Group has established an environmental management systems through the ISO 14001 certification to create a sustainable management system and is boosting its eco-friendly activities such as efficient use of resources, energy savings, and green building construction. To fulfill our corporate social responsibilities, we are conducting various charitable activities such as donations and volunteer activities and are also making great efforts in the fields of human rights, safety and health. In addition, we are striving to advance our governance structure by introducing a board-centered management and an electronic voting system.

PSK Group will focus more on creating sustainable growth for the company by adding the value of ESG to its vision of “the global leader in total processing equipment”

Thank you.

CEO of PSK Holdings Inc.

Kenneth Park

CEO of PSK Inc.

Kevin Lee

지속가능경영 추진 체계

PSK그룹은 지속가능한 경영을 위해 이사회 중심의 책임 경영을 강화하고, ESG 위원회 및 산하 유관 조직을 통해 ESG 경영의 기반을 갖추도록 노력하고 있습니다. ESG 위원회는 회사가 환경 및 사회에 대한 책임과 역할을 다하고, 투명한 지배구조를 확립하여 장기적으로 지속가능한 성장을 이룰 수 있도록 지원하는 역할을 합니다.

이사회 및 ESG 위원회 조직도
Board of Director
ESG committee


Carbon Neutral / Energy Savings
Work Environment / Product Environmental Management

  • 안전보건 담당조직
  • 위험성 평가조직
  • 고위험 안전개선 TFT


Labor / Human Rights / health and safety / protection of information / shared growth / supply chain RBA / social contribution

  • 노사협의회
  • 산업안전보건위원회
  • 안전보건 예산위원회
  • 도급사 평가위원회
  • 도급협의체


Transparent Governance
ethics / Compliance

  • 내부회계관리 담당조직
  • 부당행위 전문신고센터

ISO 인증현황

Y 2000


ISO 9001 : 2015


Y 2007


ISO 27001


Y 2020


ISO 22301


Y 2024


ISO 50001


Y 2005


ISO 14001


Y 2011


ISO 45001


Y 2023


ISO 37301
