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Real-time stock chart
Real-time stock price
    • A319660PSK
    • 600(-2.76%) 21,100
Trading Volume 402,531
Transaction Price 8,415,069,350
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
574 21,350
1,886 21,300
912 21,250
1,062 21,200
2,775 21,150
21,100 146
21,050 778
21,000 2,471
20,950 1,869
20,900 1,236
7,209 Total 6,500
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 21,100 600 21,150 21,100 7,052
15:20:00 21,100 600 21,150 21,100 958
15:19:50 21,050 650 21,100 21,050 123
15:19:40 21,100 600 21,100 21,050 40
15:19:30 21,050 650 21,100 21,050 119
15:19:10 21,050 650 21,100 21,050 127
15:19:00 21,100 600 21,100 21,050 156
15:18:50 21,100 600 21,100 21,050 35
15:18:40 21,050 650 21,100 21,050 4
15:18:30 21,050 650 21,100 21,050 211
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Shinhan Investment C 57,165 Kiwoomcom Securitie 62,489
Korea Investment S 44,721 Samsung Securities C 50,057
BNK Financial Group Inc 44,671 Korea Investment S 44,926
CLSA Securities Kore 42,290 BNK Financial Group Inc 44,818
Kiwoomcom Securitie 38,781 MRASDW 41,231
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
25/02/21 21,100 600 21,450 21,450 20,650 402,531 8,415,069,350
25/02/20 21,700 250 21,850 22,350 21,150 1,008,034 21,902,868,350
25/02/19 21,450 2,270 19,380 21,450 19,370 1,449,281 30,074,081,770
25/02/18 19,180 190 19,400 19,460 19,040 207,793 3,985,574,260
25/02/17 19,370 10 19,500 19,790 19,320 168,260 3,287,197,110
25/02/14 19,380 50 19,470 19,870 19,320 277,060 5,407,989,280
25/02/13 19,330 30 19,470 19,630 19,140 269,402 5,211,518,240
25/02/12 19,300 700 20,700 20,700 19,270 507,767 10,054,961,830
25/02/11 20,000 170 19,950 20,300 19,510 362,401 7,263,315,600
25/02/10 19,830 490 19,110 19,890 18,520 292,786 5,632,490,520