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Real-time stock chart
Real-time stock price
    • A319660PSK
    • 1,400(7.33%) 20,500
Trading Volume 533,184
Transaction Price 10,534,368,320
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
3,647 20,750
2,211 20,700
2,922 20,650
2,039 20,600
3,031 20,550
20,500 3,534
20,450 1,431
20,400 143
20,350 909
20,300 322
13,850 Total 6,339
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 20,500 1,400 20,550 20,500 11,239
15:20:00 20,500 1,400 20,550 20,500 1,197
15:19:40 20,400 1,300 20,450 20,400 248
15:19:30 20,400 1,300 20,450 20,400 243
15:19:20 20,400 1,300 20,450 20,400 24
15:19:10 20,400 1,300 20,450 20,400 6
15:19:00 20,400 1,300 20,450 20,400 1
15:18:40 20,400 1,300 20,450 20,400 195
15:18:30 20,400 1,300 20,450 20,400 397
15:18:10 20,500 1,400 20,500 20,450 130
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Kiwoomcom Securitie 71,533 Korea Investment S 107,907
Samsung Securities C 64,610 Shinhan Investment C 64,393
Shinhan Investment C 59,096 NHIS 59,985
NHIS 52,858 Samsung Securities C 55,452
MRASDW 46,193 Kiwoomcom Securitie 45,043
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
25/01/22 20,500 1,400 19,320 20,600 18,900 533,177 10,534,224,820
25/01/21 19,100 100 18,920 19,170 18,390 268,082 5,031,967,020
25/01/20 19,000 - 0 19,110 19,170 18,670 145,272 2,743,566,500
25/01/17 19,000 180 18,710 19,300 18,710 237,273 4,508,078,430
25/01/16 18,820 260 18,870 19,080 18,670 173,355 3,274,116,700
25/01/15 18,560 120 18,440 18,810 18,380 137,477 2,555,725,980
25/01/14 18,440 240 18,260 18,550 18,120 152,375 2,791,166,500
25/01/13 18,200 700 18,730 18,740 18,130 148,362 2,731,240,610
25/01/10 18,900 110 19,140 19,540 18,800 238,213 4,555,238,060
25/01/09 19,010 490 19,460 19,780 19,010 245,875 4,757,194,920